After winning world titles, I think I can give some great body building tips here….. whether you just want to tone up and lose weight or compete, don’t be put off by the word body building…its just a phrase and you will have more success following these tips even if its just weight loss you want…

1. Don’t Diet

To achieve fat loss, having a ‘healthy eating plan’ rather than a ‘’lose weight plan’ is much more effective, less restrictive and easier to stick to. This is one of the major downfalls of restrictive dieting – basically that they’re too hard to maintain. Another major drawback of low calorie diets is that they don’t work in the long term as they encourage the body’s metabolic rate to decrease. Starving the body turns on the protective mechanism of fat reserve conservation. Therefore you fat stores are protected and what you’re actually losing is muscle tissue and water.

2. Move More to Lose Fat

The largest contributor to obesity in western society is lack of physical activity And technology is largely to blame. Labor saving devices like washing machines, remote controls, computers and power tools have not only saved us time, but have prevented us burning calories.

Strangely, our eating habits Haven’t changed much though, in fact we’re eating a little less than say 30 years ago, and still we’re getting fatter.

According to Dr Gary Egger, Director of the Centre for Health promotion and research in Sydney we are burning around 500 calories less a week because of improvements in technology. Over a year this could add up to an extra three or four kilograms of fat. The key here is to move when you can – use stairs wherever possible or walk to your corner shop instead of driving.

3. Maintain or Build Muscle

Muscle is the engine which the body uses to burn fat, so the more muscle you have, the more fat you can use. Muscle also influences metabolism. The higher the muscle mass, the higher your basal metabolic rate. (In other words bigger muscles burn more calories than smaller muscles!) In order to build or maintain muscle you need to do resistance or weight training. Diet is important too. You need protein to build and repair muscle. Protein should make up around 20-30% of your diet.

4. Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Grazing or eating often, can actually boost your metabolism. Eating smaller meals encourages fat loss and balances blood sugar. A larger meal can result in a larger production of the hormone insulin. Insulin’s major role is to lower and stabilize blood sugar, but insulin can also affect the rate at which fat is stored – if you are unsure of what to eat, ask yourself what am I doing for the next 2-3 hours?

5. Avoid Fruit Juices and Soft Drinks

Most people think fruit juices are healthier than soft drinks. They are because they have more vitamins but they are also high in sugars. With the preparation of fruit juices, fibre is separated from the juice and many pieces of fruit are needed to produce a glass. When you consume fruit juices you’re basically getting a lot of calories with less nutritional value (ie no fibre). You’re better off eating the pieces of fruit over the day.

6. Eat More Protein, Less Fat

The modern western diet is different to that of the Middles Ages. Research suggest that we have a greater fat intake (35% compared to 20-25%) and Protein intake has dropped from an estimated 37% to around 15%. Carbohydrate consumption has basically remained the same while fibre intake has fallen from over 100grams per day to less than 20 grams per day. There is growing speculation that in combination with changes to daily activity, these changes in our diet have raised the level of obesity and other modern problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

7. Exercise Before Breakfast

After fasting overnight the body has low levels of blood sugar and stored carbohydrate (glycogen), which are the preferred sources of fuel or energy for exercise. As a result if you exercise before eating breakfast your body has no choice but to use fat from storage as fuel.

8. Eat More Fish

Fish and fish oils seem to have some benefits for those on a fat loss program. Studies have shown that fish oils are burned or utilized more readily than other types of fat, but not all fish have the same effect. Also some fish oil supplements can be effective. The oils that seem to be oxidized fastest are the omega-3 oils found in cold sea water fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring.

9. Keep Cool

Cool weather has a greater effect on metabolism and therefore fat loss than warm weather or warm temperatures. The idea of ‘’sweating fat away’’ by heaving clothing is a myth. In fact walking or exercising in the cold has been shown to burn more energy than in warmer temperatures.

It’s probably a good idea to avoid artificial heating if possible, for example heating in cars, buildings, electrical blankets etc, if you are on weight loss program.

10. Set the Right Goal

Why you want to lose weight and whether your goals are motivating enough, may determine how successful your attempt will be. Most people set specific goals that either aren’t really achievable or aren’t motivating enough.


Something else to remember is that health and well-being goals may actually be easier to achieve than specific weight loss goals. For example you may want to aim for better energy levels, improving self-confidence or improving your mood rather than scale weight loss. Also remember quick weight loss may actually be water and muscle loss rather than fat loss if your diet is low in calories or if you over exercise.

A final word or tip for long term fat loss concerns the investment you are willing to make when it comes to achieving your goals.

It may take time, it may take effort and it may take changes to your current lifestyle. An encouraging word from those who are successful is that feeling great has been one of the major rewards and fat loss was their bonus!

body building tips